Our Story

Welcome to Mad Papaya! We are so happy you decided to visit our site. We know you have many choices and we are glad you chose us.

We are a family run company that started from a conversation during Sunday dinner.  “Wouldn’t it be great to start our own clothing company? What would we name it?”  

After thinking about this for a few minutes.  We all started to yell out names.  Our daughter yelled out “Papaya” which is a fruit we all love. Papayas are a tropical fruit that are sweet and have small seeds that are bitter but good for you.  Out of the bitter; something sweet! Soon after, we decided on adding the word “Mad” to the name because Daddy (a 20 year retired USMC Gunny) always “looks” mad.  Mad Papaya was born!!

Through life’s challenges and blessings we developed our three word motto “Live, Love, Grace”. 

Live means to enjoy life to its fullest by stopping to “smell the roses”.

Love means to have unconditional love. To let me love others how God loves me. If only the world could just love each other?!

Grace, well we all need a little grace in our lives; Ridiculous Grace

Love to each and every one of you,

Our Mad Papaya family